Moone Pokémon
It sometimes summons unknown powers and life-forms here to this world from holes that lead to other worlds.
# 792
Blood moon bro this is sick!
This shoild be higher
absolutely stunning
Absolutely deserves this
Way betters than that cloud of dust the amulet and the sun
obviously the better shiny than solgaleo
i almost wanted to rate it a one star because of how damn long my hunt was for this, but at last i finally got it and its gotta be one of the most ... read more
so epic. would be even cooler if they went with black instead of keeping the yellow
The blood moon rises once again, be careful link!
Wait it's letting me rate again?!?! Lunala is my favorite Pokemon !!!(regular and shiny)
I am Lunala's biggest fan!!!❤❤❤
lunala vampire
love it
The shiny version of Lunala in Pokémon GO was released on UNRELEASED.
Lunala was originally discovered in the Alolan region. The main colors of shiny Lunala are red, and yellow. The typing of this Pokémon is ghost and psychic. The pokédex number of Lunala is #792. In the dex they call Lunala the Moone Pokémon.
It sometimes summons unknown powers and life-forms here to this world from holes that lead to other worlds.
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