Warrior Pokémon
In times past, it worked together with a king of the people to save the Galar region. It absorbs metal that it then uses in battle.
# 889-hero
love the hot pink
Pinky, I usually hate pink shinies, but this one rocks the colors
periodddt eat that up
Looks cinnamon candy flavored :3
it's nice. GIRLBOSS SLAY!!! jk.
Adorable pink beast <3 A valentines themed friend
About the same as it's crown form
I like the pink, it looks nice
i like him. berries and cream
It's alright
Not bad
The shiny version of Zamazenta (Hero) in Pokémon GO was released on UNRELEASED.
Zamazenta (Hero) was originally discovered in the Galar region. The main colors of shiny Zamazenta (Hero) are pink, and white. The typing of this Pokémon is fighting. The pokédex number of Zamazenta (Hero) is #889-hero. In the dex they call Zamazenta (Hero) the Warrior Pokémon.
In times past, it worked together with a king of the people to save the Galar region. It absorbs metal that it then uses in battle.
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