Firefly Pokémon
With the arrival of night, Volbeat emits light from its tail. It communicates with others by adjusting the intensity and flashing of its light. This Pokémon is attracted by the sweet aroma of Illumise.
# 313
I like that it gets Illumise's colors
Great color change.
Middle of the road
Okay looks like an invert. Not the right Blue.
Caught three of these hunting for spinarak. Love illumise colors on it
It doesn't look any more or less similar to a firefly. the colors balance each other out. It makes it look no better or worse, so I guessssssssssss... read more
Not bad, but not really working for me either.
looks great in Illumise colours
Not a fan of this mon in general
love me some color swaps in duos
Resembles illumise. Pretty good
a lot better than illumise's shiny. pleasantly surprised here
Looks like a Reverse illumise. Pretty cool
The shiny version of Volbeat in Pokémon GO was released on 21-04-2020.
Volbeat was originally discovered in the Hoenn region. The main colors of shiny Volbeat are blue, and purple. The typing of this Pokémon is bug. The Pokédex number of Volbeat is #313. In the dex they call Volbeat the firefly Pokémon
With the arrival of night, Volbeat emits light from its tail. It communicates with others by adjusting the intensity and flashing of its light. This Pokémon is attracted by the sweet aroma of Illumise. This Pokémon is usually seen open fields, farms, forests, parks, play fields, beaches, ditches, streams, railways and airports and the countryside in general.
Volbeat belongs to the Volbeat family.
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