Flycatcher Pokémon
Victreebel has a long vine that extends from its head. This vine is waved and flicked about as if it were an animal to attract prey. When an unsuspecting prey draws near, this Pokémon swallows it whole.
# 71
This is ok, I like the green and the brown is fine but it coulda been better. Like the blue too
Victreebel with a lipstick
It’s like super dry, and I like it
Bro been in the cold for too long XD
it is like this shiny evo line is showing the process of a plant dying and rotting, beginning with a yellowing of the leaves and ending on whatever... read more
I like the purple lips! But like! It could have used some more saturated red in it. Make this bitch look like Audrey ll
It's not horrible, but it's not great.
No. Bad. Clashing colours. Wilting leaves, bloodless mouth. Awful.
It’s ok, not great, not horrible.
The blue lips are funny
How would I put this in a nice way?
I give up.
This thing is absolutely terrible.
Sorry to all Vic... read more
Rainbow barf
Worse than shiny Onix
Why does anybody like this shiny?(im probably gonna get canceled)
The shiny version of Victreebel in Pokémon GO was released on 16-07-2020.
Victreebel was originally discovered in the Kanto region. The main colors of shiny Victreebel are blue, and green. The typing of this Pokémon is grass and poison. The Pokédex number of Victreebel is #71. In the dex they call Victreebel the Flycatcher Pokémon
Victreebel has a long vine that extends from its head. This vine is waved and flicked about as if it were an animal to attract prey. When an unsuspecting prey draws near, this Pokémon swallows it whole. This Pokémon is usually seen near grassy areas, such as golf courses, farms, gardens, or residential areas. Also near ponds, marshes, lakes, cities, parks and industrial areas.
Victreebel belongs to the Bellsprout family.
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