Dragon Pokémon
This very friendly Dragon-type Pokémon will hug its beloved Trainer, leaving that Trainer covered in sticky slime.
# 706
This is what a good shiny looks like.
An incredible shiny for an incredible pokemon, what more could you want? The coloration is stunning.
Goodra is my favorite mon of all time! my first shiny and fav even before that, he sits at lvl 100 maxed out in my sv party, his name is butterscot... read more
Not better than goomy and sligoo but still buttery and good
Good weird title beacuse my shiny goodra is from the 26th of that month and year
This is my favorite Pokémon and shiny
There is no explanation in the world that justifies a 3, 2, or 1 vote on this amazing shiny! Easiest 5 of my life. THE YELLOW SO SO GOOD WITH THE P... read more
Shiny Goodra is amazing, who needs a life when you have a shiny Goodra?
I fucking love this
Looks a lot more joyful! for some reason, the purple color just makes it look sad not like I’m disappointed in its appearance sad like the actual... read more
I love this pokemon :3
Pretty good, wish hisuian one had theses shiny colors
Cutie patootie
i like it .
The shiny version of Goodra in Pokémon GO was released on 27-08-2023.
Goodra was originally discovered in the Kalos region. The main color of shiny Goodra is pink. The typing of this Pokémon is dragon. The pokédex number of Goodra is #706. In the dex they call Goodra the dragon Pokémon.
This very friendly dragon-type Pokémon will hug its beloved Trainer, leaving that Trainer covered in sticky slime.
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