Automaton Pokémon
When the seal on its chest is removed, it rages indiscriminately, turning the whole town around it into a mountain of rubble.
# 623
This shiny is almost perfect. Imagine if it was brick red instead of grey. That would have been cooler
genuinely a really cool shiny
I hate the Pokemon, but the shiny looks radioactive (literally)
i love it it looks like a very friendly friend
best shiny in tha game
My second favorite shiny after Mega Charizard Y, this has to be more respected and known, it makes it look so much more ancient and mysterious.
... read moreI found this shiny behind me after a Golett outbreak had ended.
This is what shadow pokemon should be like.
that looks sooo awesome and cool
Absolute GOAT
Just feels like what it should have looked like all along but I would want more than that for a shiny maybe change the energy color to blue or gree... read more
The shiny version of Golurk in Pokémon GO was released on 18-08-2023.
Golurk was originally discovered in the Unova region. The main color of shiny Golurk is gray. The typing of this Pokémon is ghost and ground. The Pokédex number of Golurk is #623. In the dex they call Golurk the Automaton Pokémon
When the seal on its chest is removed, it rages indiscriminately, turning the whole town around it into a mountain of rubble. This Pokémon is usually seen within parking lots, usually in the evening or sometimes near cemeteries too. Also open fields, beaches, ditches, streams, railways and airports.
Golurk belongs to the Golett family.
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