Paleozoic Pokémon
This Pokémon existed 300 million years ago. Team Plasma altered it and attached a cannon to its back.
# 649
Pretty cool
hell yeah
hell yeah
A brilliant shiny!
bug of all time
fav shiny one of em
Beautiful red difference also iconic.
INCREDIBLE shiny. The shift from purple to red is REALLY nice and looks super cool. Amazing shiny for the evolution of Kabutops
Such a good shiny
Its a pretty good shiny
Arguably the epitome of what all shinys should be
lovee the hot red
yes please!
The shiny version of Genesect in Pokémon GO was released on 14-08-2020.
Genesect was originally discovered in the Unova region. The main color of shiny Genesect is red. The typing of this Pokémon is bug and steel. The Pokédex number of Genesect is #649. In the dex they call Genesect the Paleozoic Pokémon
This Pokémon existed 300 million years ago. Team Plasma altered it and attached a cannon to its back. This Pokémon is a mythical Pokémon, thereby it is not available to catch in the wild. It can only be caught by completing raids, events or by completing research tasks.
Genesect belongs to the Genesect family.
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