Ore Pokémon
Its orange crystals are lumps of powerful energy. They're valuable, so Boldore is sometimes targeted for them.
# 525
I love the contrasting of colors between the teal and purple, also making all the colors cooler on the pokemon I think just works really well to ma... read more
really cool. love it.
Diamond ore
looks like it fits in chargestone cave
A nice shiny on an otherwise forgettable Pokémon. Eh at best, and teal is a bit of an overrated shiny color. 3/5.
Horrific looking pokemon design with a redeemable shiny
Pretty, and keeps its camouflage!
it's got those minecraft diamonds
GIgalith shiny colors always a 5 star
minecraft diamond crab
The shiny version of Boldore in Pokémon GO was released on 14-08-2020.
Boldore was originally discovered in the Unova region. The main colors of shiny Boldore are blue, and purple. The typing of this Pokémon is rock. The Pokédex number of Boldore is #525. In the dex they call Boldore the Ore Pokémon
Its orange crystals are lumps of powerful energy. They're valuable, so Boldore is sometimes targeted for them. This Pokémon is usually seen towns, parking lots and near streets or inside rock quarries.
Boldore belongs to the Roggenrola family.
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