Thunderbolt Pokémon
They have lightning-like movements. When Zebstrika run at full speed, the sound of thunder reverberates.
# 523
A slight purple color
my favorite shiny
To similar blitzle is better
Absolutely horrific shiny. I would hate to get this pokemon on a shiny hunt.
lazy shiny
same as its pre-evo. you can barely tell it changes. would have been better if they just inverted the colors
Original better
I like it, but if they went all out and made the white bright purple I would’ve liked it more.
wouldve been real nice if they commited to the purple more
The shiny version of Zebstrika in Pokémon GO was released on 28-09-2021.
Zebstrika was originally discovered in the Unova region. The main colors of shiny Zebstrika are purple, and white. The typing of this Pokémon is electric. The Pokédex number of Zebstrika is #523. In the dex they call Zebstrika the Thunderbolt Pokémon
They have lightning-like movements. When Zebstrika run at full speed, the sound of thunder reverberates. This Pokémon is usually seen near industrial buildings, college campuses and dry climates.
Zebstrika belongs to the Blitzle family.
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