Centipede Pokémon
Its bite injects a potent poison, enough to paralyze large bird Pokémon that try to prey on it.
# 543
Dead bug
Is good, he cute. No more needs to be said.
"Let's take Venipede's colour scheme and make it worse in every way. That's a great idea."
the brownish maroon works for a grub like this
he's ok i guess
The brown makes it remind me of a cockamaroach
i like that he's brown you all are haters
not enough change.
someone help it. its dying
just became cloudy, rest of the line is better tho
I don't understand why people like it so much. I like the brownish color, it would fit so much with the fall aesthetic.
poop brown? really?
better than some ig
looks like a dead ladybird
The shiny version of Venipede in Pokémon GO was released on 10-08-2022.
Venipede was originally discovered in the Unova region. The main color of shiny Venipede is brown. The typing of this Pokémon is bug and poison. The Pokédex number of Venipede is #543. In the dex they call Venipede the Centipede Pokémon
Its bite injects a potent poison, enough to paralyze large bird Pokémon that try to prey on it. This Pokémon is usually seen open fields, farms, forests, parks, play fields, beaches, ditches, streams, railways and airports and the countryside in general. Also near ponds, marshes, lakes, cities, parks and industrial areas.
Venipede belongs to the Venipede family.
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