Toxic Mouth Pokémon
Its knuckle claws secrete a toxin so vile that even a scratch could prove fatal.
# 454
Stands out from regular so hunting would be worth it. The design follows trend in earlier gens with it being light blue and pink making it a nice n... read more
The vibrancy looks really nice, it looks even more poisonous then the original pallete. The only dock off from a 5 would be the same eye color, tho... read more
Cool colours and still lokks like a toxic frog that could kill you? Im in!
I would've preferred keeping Croagunk's light teal shade, but this is also good.
I love the pastel colouring.
I like the contrasting primary colours, vivid and aproprietly toxic.
I only wish the eyes changed too.
This is one of my favorite shinies, with the vibrant pink complimenting the neon blue.
really don't like this pokemon at all but good shiny
GREAT color change here. This is how you make a shiny pokemon "POP"
This shiny legit is majestic
looks poisonous
such a good shiny
not bad at all. the purple suits him
The shiny version of Toxicroak in Pokémon GO was released on 31-03-2020.
Toxicroak was originally discovered in the Sinnoh region. The main colors of shiny Toxicroak are blue, and purple. The typing of this Pokémon is fighting and poison. The Pokédex number of Toxicroak is #454. In the dex they call Toxicroak the Toxic Mouth Pokémon
Its knuckle claws secrete a toxin so vile that even a scratch could prove fatal. This Pokémon is usually seen found near local gyms, stadiums and arenas, as well as residential areas. Also near ponds, marshes, lakes, cities, parks and industrial areas.
Toxicroak belongs to the Croagunk family.
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