EleTadpole Pokémon
Tadbulb shakes its tail to generate electricity. If it senses danger, it will make its head blink on and off to alert its allies.
# 938
so unnoticeable
I'm sorry, what's the difference?
Slight change
Absolutely nothing redeeming
I don't want to think how many shinies of this I have propably missed in SV...
the shiny hunt for this was agonizing
I like the red I guess.
Barely there. At least the evo is good.
Absolutely abysmal shiny
I had to do a double take at first. It's bad, but at least you'll tell once you do look at it after that first second.
Terrible shiny
Honestly a solid shiny that doesnt deserve the hate it gets
The shiny version of Tadbulb in Pokémon GO was released on UNRELEASED.
Tadbulb was originally discovered in the Paldea region. The main colors of shiny Tadbulb are red, and yellow. The typing of this Pokémon is electric. The pokédex number of Tadbulb is #938. In the dex they call Tadbulb the EleTadpole Pokémon.
Tadbulb shakes its tail to generate electricity. If it senses danger, it will make its head blink on and off to alert its allies.
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