Intertwining Pokémon
It sends a soothing aura from its ribbonlike feelers to calm fights.
# 700
I hate that people say it is trans. It has pink and blue, so what? You can't claim colors.
Anyways its a great shiny.
10/10 best transgender rabbit I’ve ever met
awesome both normally and shiny ver its peak
this is my favorite shiny eeveelution
Just like me fr
sylveon says trans rights!!!
trans king
So sick
Sorry, but this is overrated..
I don't like those pink eyes...
It's funny cause it has a 87.5% of being male
Trans rights baby
Loving it
The shiny version of Sylveon in Pokémon GO was released on 01-06-2021.
Sylveon was originally discovered in the Kalos region. The main colors of shiny Sylveon are blue, and white. The typing of this Pokémon is fairy. The Pokédex number of Sylveon is #700. In the dex they call Sylveon the Intertwining Pokémon
It sends a soothing aura from its ribbonlike feelers to calm fights. This Pokémon is usually seen found near churches, cemeteries, monuments or landmarks.
Sylveon belongs to the Eevee family.
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