Mysterious Pokémon
Starmie's center section, 'the core', glows brightly in seven colors. Because of its luminous nature, this Pokémon has been given the nickname 'the gem of the sea'.
# 121
I think I like it, but I'm confused because like I also don't like it so I'll just go with liking it
its different, and quite good
THe blue is nice but if they made the body green/white like staryu it could have been better
it's not that bad honestly, but both the body and the gem being blue is the thing that ruins it for me. I think it would look awesome if the gem wa... read more
the contrast is good
not as bad as people make it out to be
still not great, though
I like the blues but the red casing around the gem looks terrible.
wow thats good
Oooohohohhoho now we’re talking!
WOW!! a shiny that flips the pallete! very beautiful
what an awesome shiny. i am not the biggest fan of primary colours but something about these colours together is really intriguing and appealing, e... read more
blue moon
Now this is better! A blue sea star protecting a gem in copper
It's decent, not as good as Staryu's in my opinion. But am I high? I swore one of their shinies was white??
The shiny version of Starmie in Pokémon GO was released on 07-08-2020.
Starmie was originally discovered in the Kanto region. The main colors of shiny Starmie are blue, and red. The typing of this Pokémon is psychic and water. The Pokédex number of Starmie is #121. In the dex they call Starmie the Mysterious Pokémon
Starmie's center section 'the core' glows brightly in seven colors. Because of its luminous nature, this Pokémon has been given the nickname 'the gem of the sea'. This Pokémon is usually seen near the beach and within grassland locations. Also near bodies of water, including streams, rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans, or harbors.
Starmie belongs to the Staryu family.
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