Starling Pokémon
It lives in forests and fields. Squabbles over territory occur when flocks collide.
# 397
chocolate birb
chocolate birb
chocolate birb
Pretty boring
Even more uninspiring than Starly.
A really small difference
little plain
Doesn't work as well as shiny starly
Oh hooray it gets slightly more brownish forgive me if I don’t die from excitement
looks like chocolate i kinda like it
Barley noticeable in 3d
What even is the point of this
Pretty much the same
The shiny version of Staravia in Pokémon GO was released on 17-07-2022.
Staravia was originally discovered in the Sinnoh region. The main color of shiny Staravia is brown. The typing of this Pokémon is flying and normal. The Pokédex number of Staravia is #397. In the dex they call Staravia the Starling Pokémon
It lives in forests and fields. Squabbles over territory occur when flocks collide. This Pokémon is usually seen flying around farms, open fields and parks. Also normal Pokémon are the most common and are found in every climate. Look within parking lots, cities, schools, parks and anywhere with a decent sized population.
Staravia belongs to the Starly family.
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