Predator Pokémon
When Staravia evolve into Staraptor, they leave the flock to live alone. They have sturdy wings.
# 398
Love The Blue On Its Hair
The sepia tone, the bright yellow feet, the blue hair!!! It's practically perfection! It may be one of the best shinies out there!!
i love big birds
I like the shade of blue and brown together.
Amazing shiny, I've hunted one. Also one of my fav pm .
I rlly like the light blue and light brown together; I it’s a nice shiny
hi want this pokemon
the brown suits it well and blue tipped hair contrasts nicely
Like the rating it's okay a different color would work better
The mustard color looks decent, but the blue hair looks good, and bonus points because I have a shiny one on my team.
Hi it's decent but good
Hi it's decent
love the cool blue and the nice warm brown, contrasts excellently
A dumb haircut is a dumb haircut, even in sepia tone.
The shiny version of Staraptor in Pokémon GO was released on 17-07-2022.
Staraptor was originally discovered in the Sinnoh region. The main color of shiny Staraptor is brown. The typing of this Pokémon is flying and normal. The Pokédex number of Staraptor is #398. In the dex they call Staraptor the Predator Pokémon
When Staravia evolve into Staraptor, they leave the flock to live alone. They have sturdy wings. This Pokémon is usually seen flying around farms, open fields and parks. Also normal Pokémon are the most common and are found in every climate. Look within parking lots, cities, schools, parks and anywhere with a decent sized population.
Staraptor belongs to the Starly family.
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