Scout Pokémon
When Sentret sleeps, it does so while another stands guard. The sentry wakes the others at the first sign of danger. When this Pokémon becomes separated from its pack, it becomes incapable of sleep due to fear.
# 161
Nice colors, really cute!
It's simple, but it makes me smile :)
Nice. Still looks like a wittle woodland creature and it's good looking. The pale treatment is good, and the contrast is still there.
Honestly, out of all possibilities, this was a good shiny color scheme
Overshadowed by furrets shiny, however the colours aren’t offensive, just a tad bland.
Nice and pale like it makes me think about the beach
Another of the best. Subtle, but it stands out.
A milky coffee friend. A*
One of the shinies that actually benefited from the transition to 3D color wise! Although I prefer the pink Furret, this pastel version of Sentret... read more
Butterscotch delight
The shiny version of Sentret in Pokémon GO was released on 02-09-2019.
Sentret was originally discovered in the Johto region. The main color of shiny Sentret is brown. The typing of this Pokémon is normal. The Pokédex number of Sentret is #161. In the dex they call Sentret the Scout Pokémon
When Sentret sleeps, it does so while another stands guard. The sentry wakes the others at the first sign of danger. When this Pokémon becomes separated from its pack, it becomes incapable of sleep due to fear. This Pokémon is usually seen normal Pokémon are the most common and are found in every climate. Look within parking lots, cities, schools, parks and anywhere with a decent sized population.
Sentret belongs to the Sentret family.
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