Vibration Pokémon
They shoot paralyzing liquid from their head bumps. They use vibration to hurt their opponents.
# 537
mm I like the greenn, but the orange doesn't make it easy on the eyes for me. They probably could've gone for another color. I feel Palpitoad has a... read more
One of the best color combinations. You can't go wrong with orange and teal
The colour change into the aqua is very nice, however there's something off about the brown...
The colors make my brain happy
It’s frog colored. Not a fan of the orange.
don't like the colors personally but i gotta respect the more tree froggy appearance
Erm . . .
looks pretty good
OMG such a good shiny pokemon i am a crazy big pokemon fan and i love frogs so much i love them and i like how they made him look like a real frog ... read more
The turquoise and green is alright I guess but this could've gone way harder with green and grey
i like green and orange together. reminds me of melons. good shiny.
The shiny version of Seismitoad in Pokémon GO was released on 17-07-2021.
Seismitoad was originally discovered in the Unova region. The main colors of shiny Seismitoad are green, and orange. The typing of this Pokémon is ground and water. The Pokédex number of Seismitoad is #537. In the dex they call Seismitoad the Vibration Pokémon
They shoot paralyzing liquid from their head bumps. They use vibration to hurt their opponents. This Pokémon is usually seen open fields, beaches, ditches, streams, railways and airports. Also near bodies of water, including streams, rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans, or harbors.
Seismitoad belongs to the Tympole family.
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