Multiplying Pokémon
When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.
# 579
Wrong color, gray inside but blue from outside. Should be blue.
Gooey outside is bloo
the shiny looks SO much better in gen 5 pixel sprite.
At least there is a slight difference, I guess...
the white looks clean, but i feel like the shiny could have changed a bit more. but overall, great shiny
i love you reuniclus
Zero stars. These two color variations should be like the male and the female difference, not regular and shiny. Makes me want to tear my penis o... read more
Colours are a no.
such an improvement on the first two stages
Favorite mon!!
Purp Jwlly
Blue... and green...
A shiny I would totally hunt
Best shiny forever
The shiny version of Reuniclus in Pokémon GO was released on 20-09-2023.
Reuniclus was originally discovered in the Unova region. The main color of shiny Reuniclus is gray. The typing of this Pokémon is psychic. The Pokédex number of Reuniclus is #579. In the dex they call Reuniclus the Multiplying Pokémon
When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power. This Pokémon is usually seen near the beach and within grassland locations.
Reuniclus belongs to the Solosis family.
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