Sea Cucumber Pokémon
Its entire body is covered in its own slime. If you accidentally step on one, you'll slip, and it will get mad and smack you!
# 771
Pukeumuku gross
Weird green weird yellow.
Oh look a pukeumuku
Interesting colorscheme and vibrant
Change good. Coulors bad
Really cool colours one of my favourite shinys
just got the little critter today and i am so happy about it, shoutout to this thing
My dude what have they done to you
Yucky. Maybe if the green was like Scizor's shiny it would've worked... Meh maybe not, Pyukumuku looks like he's about to vomit or something
At least it’s noticeable
Yuck who barfed🤮
Not fitting😑
The shiny version of Pyukumuku in Pokémon GO was released on UNRELEASED.
Pyukumuku was originally discovered in the Alolan region. The main colors of shiny Pyukumuku are green, and yellow. The typing of this Pokémon is water. The pokédex number of Pyukumuku is #771. In the dex they call Pyukumuku the Sea Cucumber Pokémon.
Its entire body is covered in its own slime. If you accidentally step on one, you'll slip, and it will get mad and smack you!
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