Frog Pokémon
The curled hair on Politoed's head is proof of its status as a king. It is said that the longer and more curled the hair, the more respect this Pokémon earns from its peers.
# 186
this somehow works really well
pm7 guaranteed
Oh hell yeah, let's go!! I'm so glad Politoed got a good one, especially with the rest of the line being what it is.
This is so me.
Might be my favorite shiny. At least top 5
at least the colors are good. But I do not like Politoed
one of the best pokemon overall and the shiny is great i with poliwag will come to me as light blue and I CAN END MY SHINY HUNT DAMN IT
oh that is a lot. In a good way.
The most beautiful shiny ✨ 🥹
Cotton candy frog, awesome!
Totally worth taking this evolution path just for the look.
Looks decent somehow
these colors are really cute together. reminds me of cotton candy.
The shiny version of Politoed in Pokémon GO was released on 06-08-2019.
Politoed was originally discovered in the Johto region. The main colors of shiny Politoed are blue, and pink. The typing of this Pokémon is water. The Pokédex number of Politoed is #186. In the dex they call Politoed the Frog Pokémon
The curled hair on Politoed's head is proof of its status as a king. It is said that the longer and more curled the hair, the more respect this Pokémon earns from its peers. This Pokémon is usually seen near bodies of water, including streams, rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans, or harbors.
Politoed belongs to the Poliwag family.
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