Classy Cat Pokémon
Persian has six bold whiskers that give it a look of toughness. The whiskers sense air movements to determine what is in the Pokémon's surrounding vicinity. It becomes docile if grabbed by the whiskers.
# 53
She's just creamy white, not really any change. Still, I really like this pokemon so I'm going to give her four stars.
i really love shiny Meowth, even though the changes are subtle, but persian's really makes me not want to evolve mine
Huh? I thought I turned the shiny filter on! -10 stars
This shiny had it bad
Pretty bad, but ears cute
I evolved my shiny meoth into this crap
while the difference is subtle, i think it's cuter than the original. pink ears :)
Just Persian under radioactive exposure
No change at all
Subtile difference of lemon yellow fur. This shiny sucks period. Maybe if it had a different color gem then it would pass, but no it doesn’t. But... read more
come on guys. gray or pure white would've been cool . you gotta give us something to work with
The shiny version of Persian in Pokémon GO was released on 07-11-2019.
Persian was originally discovered in the Kanto region. The main color of shiny Persian is brown. The typing of this Pokémon is normal. The Pokédex number of Persian is #53. In the dex they call Persian the Classy Cat Pokémon
Persian has six bold whiskers that give it a look of toughness. The whiskers sense air movements to determine what is in the Pokémon's surrounding vicinity. It becomes docile if grabbed by the whiskers. This Pokémon is usually seen normal Pokémon are the most common and are found in every climate. Look within parking lots, cities, schools, parks and anywhere with a decent sized population.
Persian belongs to the Meowth family.
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