Sage Pokémon
Oranguru don't get along with each other, so they're always engaging in battles of wits to decide which one is superior.
# 765
I think this shiny would look better if Oranguru's cape like thing changed it's color too.
I love any and all pink shinies. The pink, purple, and blue look really nice together, and definitely suit it better than the original colors. I'm ... read more
weird... the colours feel like they're in competition with each other.. i like that it's a bold change but i don't think it works particularly wel... read more
Suprisingly I like it more than original. And the colours have a more cosmic / psychic vibe.
A lovely combination of colours
Kinda like the yellow accents changing to blue
i don't like the shiny or him
Nice change. Pink is nice.
love it, different enough without being a totally new color scheme
Astral oranguru
Idk why it's pink and purple but it's fine
Not bad I guess
The shiny version of Oranguru in Pokémon GO was released on 27-08-2023.
Oranguru was originally discovered in the Alolan region. The main colors of shiny Oranguru are pink, and purple. The typing of this Pokémon is normal and psychic. The pokédex number of Oranguru is #765. In the dex they call Oranguru the Sage Pokémon.
Oranguru don't get along with each other, so they're always engaging in battles of wits to decide which one is superior.
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