Jet Pokémon
Octillery grabs onto its foe using its tentacles. This Pokémon tries to immobilize it before delivering the finishing blow. If the foe turns out to be too strong, Octillery spews ink to escape.
# 224
Zayde said he loves the idea of having the shiny
ugly muddy coloring sorry
I liek ot
no thank u
oooooh... a little sour.
Might be an Advance Wars reference !!
looks better in legends arceus
shiny octillery has been drinking to much fish pee
all the colours in the world to pick from and they chose the one that best resembles the aftermath of an infant's indigestion. why
The shiny version of Octillery in Pokémon GO was released on 26-02-2022.
Octillery was originally discovered in the Johto region. The main colors of shiny Octillery are brown, and gold. The typing of this Pokémon is water. The Pokédex number of Octillery is #224. In the dex they call Octillery the Jet Pokémon
Octillery grabs onto its foe using its tentacles. This Pokémon tries to immobilize it before delivering the finishing blow. If the foe turns out to be too strong, Octillery spews ink to escape. This Pokémon is usually seen announced and near bodies of water, including streams, rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans, or harbors.
Octillery belongs to the Remoraid family.
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