Owl Pokémon
Noctowl never fails at catching prey in darkness. This Pokémon owes its success to its superior vision that allows it to see in minimal light, and to its soft, supple wings that make no sound in flight.
# 164
Disgusting. Most shinies need remakes
He has the colours scheme of your vomit after McDonald’s gave you food poisoning. For some reason I don’t hate it, but definitely worse than sh... read more
Got the sick green treatment like Stantler. not great.
It is alright but still a downgrade from hoothoot
The shiny version of Noctowl in Pokémon GO was released on 04-01-2022.
Noctowl was originally discovered in the Johto region. The main colors of shiny Noctowl are brown, and green. The typing of this Pokémon is flying and normal. The Pokédex number of Noctowl is #164. In the dex they call Noctowl the Owl Pokémon
Noctowl never fails at catching prey in darkness. This Pokémon owes its success to its superior vision that allows it to see in minimal light, and to its soft, supple wings that make no sound in flight. This Pokémon is usually seen flying around farms, open fields and parks. Also normal Pokémon are the most common and are found in every climate. Look within parking lots, cities, schools, parks and anywhere with a decent sized population.
Noctowl belongs to the Hoothoot family.
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