Poison Pin Pokémon
When Nidorina are with their friends or family, they keep their barbs tucked away to prevent hurting each other. This Pokémon appears to become nervous if separated from the others.
# 30
Its basic, and looks wayy to similar to nidorino
Yeah i can see it
Best shiny of this line
I like it
this is when the nidoran female shiny line went downhill but nidoqueen is still the worst shiny in existence and this one isn’t nearly as bad
... read more⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
It's alright, slight step down though.
nidorina got hit with toxic
Get it, it's like Nidorino
The shiny version of Nidorina in Pokémon GO was released on 10-10-2018.
Nidorina was originally discovered in the Kanto region. The main color of shiny Nidorina is purple. The typing of this Pokémon is poison. The Pokédex number of Nidorina is #30. In the dex they call Nidorina the poison Pin Pokémon
When Nidorina are with their friends or family, they keep their barbs tucked away to prevent hurting each other. This Pokémon appears to become nervous if separated from the others. This Pokémon is usually seen found near ponds, marshes, lakes, cities, parks and industrial areas.
Nidorina belongs to the Nidoran F family.
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