Sludge Pokémon
From Muk's body seeps a foul fluid that gives off a nose-bendingly horrible stench. Just one drop of this Pokémon's body fluid can turn a pool stagnant and rancid.
# 89
fits well
This is definitely a sludge monster color. Green is fitting for sure.
Looks very disgusting so I think Niantic did a good job!
sorry i dont like you...
a "nasty" color, it fits
nasty but it works
looks like the algae sludge at my local pond
works really well with this critter
gross but it fits
Green looks good with muk
I mean, it is sludge. Looks like it. Bit algae and mold.
A great trash pokemon shiny. Looks disgusting and I wouldn't want to be near it. Overall, pretty nice shiny.
Sewer water
The shiny version of Muk in Pokémon GO was released on 13-09-2018.
Muk was originally discovered in the Kanto region. The main color of shiny Muk is green. The typing of this Pokémon is poison. The Pokédex number of Muk is #89. In the dex they call Muk the Sludge Pokémon
From Muk's body seeps a foul fluid that gives off a nose-bendingly horrible stench. Just one drop of this Pokémon's body fluid can turn a pool stagnant and rancid. This Pokémon is usually seen found near ponds, marshes, lakes, cities, parks and industrial areas.
Muk belongs to the Grimer family.
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