Magical Pokémon
Its muttered curses can cause awful headaches or terrifying visions that torment others.
# 429
This is fantastic. Obvious shinies are wonderful.
Witchy green ghost
Love it it so sickky it make me wanna do stuff
Not feeling this at all.
Greens done bad in a good looking way :)
olive green Pokémon receive a lot of hate, but I like it. :)
I love that this green is different to the other kind of olive green Pokémon out there, they fail successfully on making this shiny
I personally love olive green shinnies
I love olive green pokemon regardless, and mismagius is no exception, this shiny is perfect.
It’s supposed to be green? I always thought it was puke yellow. Sometimes you gotta swing for the fences and this..? Is not a home run
I know I said that Espeon was more puke green to me, but this…this is puke green. With the purple the red necklace fits, but with this yellow-gre... read more
The shiny version of Mismagius in Pokémon GO was released on 01-12-2018.
Mismagius was originally discovered in the Sinnoh region. The main color of shiny Mismagius is green. The typing of this Pokémon is ghost. The Pokédex number of Mismagius is #429. In the dex they call Mismagius the Magical Pokémon
Its muttered curses can cause awful headaches or terrifying visions that torment others. This Pokémon is usually seen within parking lots, usually in the evening or sometimes near cemeteries too.
Mismagius belongs to the Misdreavus family.
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