Iron Claw Pokémon
When two Beldum fuse together, Metang is formed. The brains of the Beldum are joined by a magnetic nervous system. By linking its brains magnetically, this Pokémon generates strong psychokinetic power.
# 375
The colors make it look like Rollyity
silver & gold is sick
metal ball
A well polished steel would be silvery in colour.
Super great. The metallic look, as well as the accents, are all great.
Not quite as cool as Metagross, but an upgrade from Metang since all colors are visible from the front. It has less to do with color choice than be... read more
I hate the nose
Blue to a steel silver is everything I want out of a steel type shiny
The shiny version of Metang in Pokémon GO was released on 21-10-2018.
Metang was originally discovered in the Hoenn region. The main colors of shiny Metang are gold, and gray. The typing of this Pokémon is psychic and steel. The Pokédex number of Metang is #375. In the dex they call Metang the Iron Claw Pokémon
When two Beldum fuse together, Metang is formed. The brains of the Beldum are joined by a magnetic nervous system. By linking its brains magnetically, this Pokémon generates strong psychokinetic power. This Pokémon is usually seen near the beach and within grassland locations. Also within cities or near railroad tracks
Metang belongs to the Beldum family.
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