Dragon Pokémon
Mega Evolution fuels its brutality, and it may even turn on the Trainer who raised it. It’s been dubbed “the blood-soaked crescent.”
# 373-Mega
I prefer it's normal colors. I really don't like these weird shade of green shinies
Love the coulors
It is cool how in the gen it was introduced is called a blood soaked crescent 🌙 then a few generations later the paradox references this
I like the green and orange, but not sure about the purple being in there. Side note but this is such a weird Mega to me.
My favorite, Pokémon
This shiny has ALWAYS reminded me of Kyle Broflovski from South Park for some reason. As a large Kyle and Salamenxe fan, i see this as a win. The o... read more
Not that good but not that bed
i think the purple is taking me out of it. maybe the green. not sure. i'm just not in it
Not bad
Not any better than shiny Salamence. Possibly a bit worse
Green jet pack boi
It is atrocious
The shiny version of Mega Salamence in Pokémon GO was released on 10-01-2023.
Mega Salamence was originally discovered in the Hoenn region. The main colors of shiny Mega Salamence are brown, and green. The typing of this Pokémon is dragon and flying. The Pokédex number of Salamence is #373. In the dex they call Salamence the dragon Pokémon
Salamence came about as a result of a strong, long-held dream of growing wings. It is said that this powerful desire triggered a sudden mutation in this Pokémon's cells, causing it to sprout its magnificent wings. This Pokémon is usually seen and caught in cities, but have been known to appear near golf courses. Also flying around farms, open fields and parks.
Mega Salamence belongs to the Bagon family.
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