Twin Tusk Pokémon
Its impressive tusks are made of ice. The population thinned when it turned warm after the ice age.
# 473
its not a good green...
Missed opportunity
It's noticeable, but it still looks bad
Mamoswine gets a pity second star only because I like it a lot. However What was once a great Mint (Swinub) To an okayish Gold (Piloswine) Has beco... read more
So happy I am NOT evolving my shiny swinub because what is this nonsense
This ain’t it
I have it- still hate it
That's just... not a very nice shade of green
This is the worst shade of green
They Did Mamoswine Dirty Im Definitely Not Evolving My Shiny Swinub
I like the Pokemon but it's Shiny could be better, i also missed the cdc :(.
The shiny version of Mamoswine in Pokémon GO was released on 16-02-2019.
Mamoswine was originally discovered in the Sinnoh region. The main color of shiny Mamoswine is green. The typing of this Pokémon is ground and ice. The Pokédex number of Mamoswine is #473. In the dex they call Mamoswine the Twin Tusk Pokémon
Its impressive tusks are made of ice. The population thinned when it turned warm after the ice age. This Pokémon is usually seen open fields, beaches, ditches, streams, railways and airports. Also near water, this does not necessarily have to be frozen water. ice types are seen in cold climates and are featured yearly during the holidays event.
Mamoswine belongs to the Swinub family.
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