Five Star Pokémon
Ledyba secretes an aromatic fluid from where its legs join its body. This fluid is used for communicating with others. This Pokémon conveys its feelings to others by altering the fluid's scent.
# 165
Not horrible.
Wow that’s a boring change.
shiny orbeetle makes me yearn for more blue ladybugs
cmon, its an orange ladybug, it makes much more sense and looks better than some barf owl
bleh, hard to notice and not an improvement at that
im wanting a bit more going on here
It's ok
Fuccin trash skr8 uh
Its fine..
I like the orange, real ones are that color, but I think green would be cooler
Cool when I look at the side by side , but I didn't even know this little guy was shiny until the stars popped up lol
A red ladybug to an orange ladybug is a pretty cool change but it would be better if it were yellow
The shiny version of Ledyba in Pokémon GO was released on 11-09-2020.
Ledyba was originally discovered in the Johto region. The main colors of shiny Ledyba are orange, and yellow. The typing of this Pokémon is bug and flying. The Pokédex number of Ledyba is #165. In the dex they call Ledyba the Five Star Pokémon
Ledyba secretes an aromatic fluid from where its legs join its body. This fluid is used for communicating with others. This Pokémon conveys its feelings to others by altering the fluid's scent. This Pokémon is usually seen open fields, farms, forests, parks, play fields, beaches, ditches, streams, railways and airports and the countryside in general. Also flying around farms, open fields and parks.
Ledyba belongs to the Ledyba family.
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