Nurturing Pokémon
It keeps its eggs warm with heat from fermenting leaves. It also uses leaves to make warm wrappings for Sewaddle.
# 542
shiny leavanny had a rough transition to 3d, although it was never good to begin with
Meh.. the only noticeable change are the antennas got darker and not much else
kinda mid
Ass shiny, Vitiligo ahh
wtf are yall talking about its better than the original. subtle but cool change
Its the same photo.
Boring to similar to normal variant.
Not worthy of a pokemon go community day
My colorblind ass genuinely cannot tell the difference
Barely changes but the things that do change looks nice at least
The shiny version of Leavanny in Pokémon GO was released on UNRELEASED.
Leavanny was originally discovered in the Unova region. The main color of shiny Leavanny is green. The typing of this Pokémon is bug and grass. The Pokédex number of Leavanny is #542. In the dex they call Leavanny the Nurturing Pokémon
It keeps its eggs warm with heat from fermenting leaves. It also uses leaves to make warm wrappings for Sewaddle. This Pokémon is usually seen open fields, farms, forests, parks, play fields, beaches, ditches, streams, railways and airports and the countryside in general. Also near grassy areas, such as golf courses, farms, gardens, or residential areas.
Leavanny belongs to the Sewaddle family.
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