Gear Pokémon
A minigear and big gear comprise its body. If the minigear it launches at a foe doesn't return, it will die.
# 600
The golden gears sure look good
Ah yes, the classic making of the silver pokemon shiny gold
I love shiny steel types that turn bronze or gold
klink but bigger we love to see it
Maybe I'm biased cuz I have it now as my companion, but this shiny is a literal shiny gold and I like it. Stylish. I'm glad they didn't take it too... read more
Like the gold, a bit subtle is my only complaint.
i love it when pokedex entries are like that
Once again, I like the gold but not the green
i like the gold and green
The brass gives it a steampunk look
big klink, same colors, but same rating as klink
The shiny version of Klang in Pokémon GO was released on 16-09-2019.
Klang was originally discovered in the Unova region. The main color of shiny Klang is gold. The typing of this Pokémon is steel. The Pokédex number of Klang is #600. In the dex they call Klang the Gear Pokémon
A minigear and big gear comprise its body. If the minigear it launches at a foe doesn't return, it will die. This Pokémon is usually seen within cities or near railroad tracks
Klang belongs to the Klink family.
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