Paradox Pokémon
It resembles a mysterious object introduced in a paranormal magazine as a cutting-edge weapon shaped like a Cobalion.
# 1023
I really don't like the lazy Iron shiny's. It's like they scrapped the paint off the robot. I get that might be the point but when it comes to the ... read more
very TRON-like, it would be even more so if the grey was a black
It's sleek metallic body shows of power and Intimidation to help scare of predators and if that doesn't work, it will use it's long sword like horn... read more
It's sleek metallic body shows it's lower it's long horns are probably used for ramming like a goat.Iron Crown is definitely in my shiny note book!... read more
Too good to be true
Adding the silver really makes it stand out like a real robotic oryx
It's pretty cool
It's strange... I oddly like this shiny.
on him it looks decent, but still lazy af
I like how the cyan of the lights can stand out in this shiny. I do wish the silver was a bit darker though.
cool but change some of the silver it looks a bit too plain
All Future Paradox shinies look the same, but this is goat
The shiny version of Iron Crown in Pokémon GO was released on UNRELEASED.
Iron Crown was originally discovered in the Paldea region. The main color of shiny Iron Crown is gray. The typing of this Pokémon is psychic and steel. The pokédex number of Iron Crown is 1023. In the dex they call Iron Crown the Paradox Pokémon.
It resembles a mysterious object introduced in a paranormal magazine as a cutting-edge weapon shaped like a Cobalion.
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