Heel Pokémon
When its fighting spirit is set alight, the flames around its waist become especially intense.
# 727
The colors clash
they should have changed the chest color, but great otherwise.
white looks bad
Same as with litten - the White and red dont work well but a good shiny overall
old man. that is all I have to say
could have been blue tho. that would have been cool
White coals tho
the gray :(
Im sorry it just looks so cartoony and goofy. Most shinies that get huge shiny changes look awesome, but I just don’t see it.
I get that it's a white tiger, but it hurts my eyes.
Should have made the red parts white instead
I get the white tiger inspiration...but something is off about it. Maybe I'm being too harsh.
Concept is cool but execution came off a little clownish.
distinct but. not great
The shiny version of Incineroar in Pokémon GO was released on UNRELEASED.
Incineroar was originally discovered in the Alolan region. The main colors of shiny Incineroar are red, and white. The typing of this Pokémon is dark and fire. The pokédex number of Incineroar is #727. In the dex they call Incineroar the Heel Pokémon.
When its fighting spirit is set alight, the flames around its waist become especially intense.
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