Hypnosis Pokémon
If your nose becomes itchy while you are sleeping, it's a sure sign that one of these Pokémon is standing above your pillow and trying to eat your dream through your nostrils.
# 97
i kind of wish the frill stayed white
My immediate thought upon seeing this was "peeled hotdog", and that upset me so much that I simply have to give it a single star.
A little too pink, but still good
It's alright
Love the inspiration from Pepto Bismol.
pink looks funky
i hate the pink on it
pink! so pink
Banana Man turn pink
luke said no
Still works ok I guess
Scary bubblegum man is watching you
The shiny version of Hypno in Pokémon GO was released on 05-10-2018.
Hypno was originally discovered in the Kanto region. The main color of shiny Hypno is pink. The typing of this Pokémon is psychic. The Pokédex number of Hypno is #97. In the dex they call Hypno the Hypnosis Pokémon
If your nose becomes itchy while you are sleeping, it's a sure sign that one of these Pokémon is standing above your pillow and trying to eat your dream through your nostrils. This Pokémon is usually seen near the beach and within grassland locations.
Hypno belongs to the Drowzee family.
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