Dark Pokémon
In a Houndoom pack, the one with its horns raked sharply toward the back serves a leadership role. These Pokémon choose their leader by fighting among themselves.
# 229
Wow this is divine.
Mm yeah alright
Hi Caleb this is a cool shiny
P.s cyclizar is better
Looks a bit better than Houndour, but I really think swapping the black and white would've been way better.
Blue works well with it
Det er bra men det kan bli bedre
its nice but its snout and chest fur looks awkward with blue
oh this looks much better somehow, it has a sort of silver look to the horn and bones that works really well
Original colors suit it better
a bit disappointing
The shiny version of Houndoom in Pokémon GO was released on 01-08-2018.
Houndoom was originally discovered in the Johto region. The main color of shiny Houndoom is blue. The typing of this Pokémon is dark and fire. The Pokédex number of Houndoom is #229. In the dex they call Houndoom the dark Pokémon
In a Houndoom pack, the one with its horns raked sharply toward the back serves a leadership role. These Pokémon choose their leader by fighting among themselves. This Pokémon is usually seen found in dark places, such as movie theaters, cemeteries and landmarks. Also in neighborhoods, residential areas and dry climates.
Houndoom belongs to the Houndour family.
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