Hard Scale Pokémon
Its claws, which it can extend and retract at will, are its greatest weapons. Golisopod is sometimes accompanied by Wimpod.
# 768
i feel like the colors dont really change all too much
The shiny isn't the worst, but it's lacking something that makes it stick out. White shinies are great, but Golisopod has such a limited palette th... read more
Wimpod has a better shiny
It’s okay
underrated shiny, we need more isopod enjoyers out here
Underrated shiny tbh.
ehhh its okay, could be better
I love Golisopod and I did notice that it has the same palate as Guzzlord
Little bit of a let down from it’s prior evolution, but it’s decent
Bruh lame
The shiny version of Golisopod in Pokémon GO was released on UNRELEASED.
Golisopod was originally discovered in the Alolan region. The main colors of shiny Golisopod are gray, and white. The typing of this Pokémon is bug and water. The pokédex number of Golisopod is #768. In the dex they call Golisopod the Hard Scale Pokémon.
Its claws, which it can extend and retract at will, are its greatest weapons. Golisopod is sometimes accompanied by Wimpod.
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