Fresh Snow Pokémon
It can instantaneously freeze any moisture that's around it, creating ice pellets to shoot at its prey.
# 471
really cool shiny ruined by being too similiar to the og colors
The shiny version is just a better version of the base pallete.. saddening for such a popular pokemon to have such a bad shiny. Hell, we would have... read more
Although it’s a subtle change, I actually feel like the shiny looks more crisp and clean than the regular version. The hues of blue are pleasant ... read more
its fine
it looks exactly the same
A really gorgeous and noticeable shiny that perfectly fits it's pokemon, giving Glaceon a white, snow like body and more true blue accents, that is... read more
its really subtle but i actually think the cyan becoming more blue is really really nice i love it
It's not perfect. In fact, it's pretty subtle. However it's subtle done right. The added contrast due to the less saturated body and a deeper blue ... read more
I was going to rate it lower, but... I actually kind of like the frosted over look, I think it works well.
Aggressively bad
I have one in Go, and I named him Glare. He is offended that most people only gave him one star. (Review adjacent to me is BASED)
I caught one in Scarlet, and i named him Iceberg. He is offended that most people only give him one star.
The shiny version of Glaceon in Pokémon GO was released on 11-08-2018.
Glaceon was originally discovered in the Sinnoh region. The main color of shiny Glaceon is blue. The typing of this Pokémon is ice. The Pokédex number of Glaceon is #471. In the dex they call Glaceon the Fresh Snow Pokémon
It can instantaneously freeze any moisture that's around it, creating ice pellets to shoot at its prey. This Pokémon is usually seen near water, this does not necessarily have to be frozen water. ice types are seen in cold climates and are featured yearly during the holidays event.
Glaceon belongs to the Eevee family.
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