Rock Salt Pokémon
Garganacl will rub its fingertips together and sprinkle injured Pokémon with salt. Even severe wounds will promptly heal afterward.
# 934
Huge wasted opportunity to make this line's shiny pink like the himalayan salt. Still ok though
Mmmm, salted caramel....
should've been pink salt
looks like a desert temple. good shiny, but some elements need improvement.
Chocolate and peanut butter Minecraft cake.
Brown salt and I do not think it looks like brown sugar at all because if it was brown sugar it would be a pile on the floor like sandyghast
They had the black sand reference now the brown salt 🧂
Strange color
Brown salt. Good idea. Decently different but just not very... exciting. This is the best one in its' line as the change is the most visible.
it didn't reach i's full potential...
Looks more like brown sugar than salt but 1. brown salt exists 2. it looks pretty good so whatever.
very cool
I’m sorry, but no
Pretty sick honestly!! Reminds me of a sandstone pyramid from minecraft :]
The shiny version of Garganacl in Pokémon GO was released on UNRELEASED.
Garganacl was originally discovered in the Paldea region. The main color of shiny Garganacl is brown. The typing of this Pokémon is rock. The pokédex number of Garganacl is #934. In the dex they call Garganacl the rock Salt Pokémon.
Garganacl will rub its fingertips together and sprinkle injured Pokémon with salt. Even severe wounds will promptly heal afterward.
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