Hexpert Pokémon
A combination of toxins and the shock of evolving has increased Shellder’s intelligence to the point that Shellder now controls Slowking.
# 199-galar
The colors pop a bit more than the original but aside from that and the skin gets a daker shade it barely changes
if they made the body black or dark purple that would've been cool
Wow fuck that.
the change is noticeable at least. 2.5 stars
who would willingly hunt for this
Hardly changed
Kinda hard to tell compared to galarian slowpoke and slowbro. Wish it was more drastic. Love the red gem tho.
needs a bit more, the jewel change is nice tho, but the cape doesnt pop as much as kanto/johto slowking
not feeling it. im kind of digging the blue cape though.
What’s all the hate about
Wtf is this dumbass pokemon bruh. Frieza look ah
The shiny version of Galarian Slowking in Pokémon GO was released on 18-03-2023.
Slowking was originally discovered in the Galar region. The main colors of shiny Slowking (Galarian) are pink, and purple. The typing of this Pokémon is poison and psychic. The Pokédex number of Galarian Slowking is #199-galar. In the dex they call Slowking the Hexpert Pokémon
A combination of toxins and the shock of evolving has increased Shellder’s intelligence to the point that Shellder now controls Slowking. This Pokémon is usually seen near the beach and within grassland locations. Also near bodies of water, including streams, rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans, or harbors.
Galarian Slowking belongs to the Slowpoke family.
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