Triple Bird Pokémon
Watch out if Dodrio's three heads are looking in three separate directions. It's a sure sign that it is on its guard. Don't go near this Pokémon if it's being wary - it may decide to peck you.
# 85
its just ok
It’s surprisingly great and the green is a nice shade
The lime looks really cool against the black
Looks like a radioactive mutated bird
The tail is jarring and the green is very unpleasant
Not as bad as doduo but still...
its alright honestly kinda reminds me of xatu and thats cool
Takes a tranquil yet groovy neon green and adds its rambunctious, intense nature that only works to compliment Dodrio's oddball-ish nature.
idk. it's bad but acceptable
Poor thing doesn't look very well
Fun fact - I got it in my Let's go Eevee while i was hunting for ponyta... that was a hate from the first sight
It vomits over itself appearantly. Not the brightest bird
The shiny version of Dodrio in Pokémon GO was released on 22-09-2020.
Dodrio was originally discovered in the Kanto region. The main color of shiny Dodrio is green. The typing of this Pokémon is flying and normal. The Pokédex number of Dodrio is #85. In the dex they call Dodrio the Triple Bird Pokémon
Watch out if Dodrio's three heads are looking in three separate directions. It's a sure sign that it is on its guard. Don't go near this Pokémon if it's being wary - it may decide to peck you. This Pokémon is usually seen flying around farms, open fields and parks. Also normal Pokémon are the most common and are found in every climate. Look within parking lots, cities, schools, parks and anywhere with a decent sized population.
Dodrio belongs to the Doduo family.
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