Electrified Pokémon
Its mane shines when it discharges electricity. They use the frequency and rhythm of these flashes to communicate.
# 522
This shiny barely changes anything of the pokemon, might be one of the worst shinies ever.
Should have swapped the black and white around.
Blue looks nice on him/her!
disappointing, but the blue looks cool.
Not a huge change and doesn't make much sense
blue electricity
should’ve flipped the colours smhhh
grate coler change
A little samey, but it IS a nice blue
The shiny version of Blitzle in Pokémon GO was released on 21-09-2021.
Blitzle was originally discovered in the Unova region. The main colors of shiny Blitzle are blue, and white. The typing of this Pokémon is electric. The Pokédex number of Blitzle is #522. In the dex they call Blitzle the Electrified Pokémon
Its mane shines when it discharges electricity. They use the frequency and rhythm of these flashes to communicate. This Pokémon is usually seen near industrial buildings, college campuses and dry climates.
Blitzle belongs to the Blitzle family.
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