Shellfish Pokémon
Blastoise has water spouts that protrude from its shell. The water spouts are very accurate. They can shoot bullets of water with enough accuracy to strike empty cans from a distance of over 160 feet.
# 9-Glasses
I just love the blastoise have the glasses
He looks like a dad trying to fit in with his Squirtle son
Squirtle and only Squirtle deserves those sunglasses
he looks so cool
The sunglasses don't feel right on this
The glasses make it look so much better
I like gangsta glasses
sunglasses what else can I say
Sunglasses make him absolute perfection.
5/5, incredibly cute
4.5 more like but i like it
Cool guy
The shiny version of Blastoise (sunglass) in Pokémon GO was released on 08-07-2018.
Blastoise (sunglass) was originally discovered in the Kanto region. The main color of shiny Blastoise (sunglass) is purple. The typing of this Pokémon is water. The Pokédex number of Blastoise (sunglass) is #9-Glasses. In the dex they call Blastoise (sunglass) the Shellfish Pokémon
Blastoise has water spouts that protrude from its shell. The water spouts are very accurate. They can shoot bullets of water with enough accuracy to strike empty cans from a distance of over 160 feet. This Pokémon is usually seen near bodies of water, including streams, rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans, or harbors.
Blastoise (sunglass) belongs to the Squirtle family.
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