Fossil Pokémon
Though it's able to capture prey by freezing its surroundings, it has trouble eating the prey afterward because its mouth is on top of its head.
# 883
All of these Galarian Fossil pokemon are SO beautiful. I LOVE this one specifically. Arctovish my beloved. Sososo pretty. This is my favorite freak... read more
Looks more fossilized
he needs to be dusted
Don't care for the black and white
Pretty color palette!
I will not take Shiny Arctovish slander
I kinda hate it idk why
its fun
These Galar fossils are so cool, and their shinies are all great.
It’s not pretty
the greyscale is super cool. love it. the purple spot is a little strange imo but the rest of it is super nice
The shiny version of Arctovish in Pokémon GO was released on UNRELEASED.
Arctovish was originally discovered in the Galar region. The main color of shiny Arctovish is gray. The typing of this Pokémon is ice and water. The pokédex number of Arctovish is #883. In the dex they call Arctovish the Fossil Pokémon.
Though it's able to capture prey by freezing its surroundings, it has trouble eating the prey afterward because its mouth is on top of its head.
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